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ジムクレイマー氏「投資家は次にFAANG株が急落し、アナリストが弱気になったら買うべし」「アナリストが【 churn out 】した投資不適格であるという大げさなレポートに注意」 Cramer said that while analysts tend to praise big tech stocks during weeks like this one, when there’s little news about them reported, investors should beware of analysts turning the other way and churning out ″greatly exagg…

$AMZN 株式分割により、ダウ工業株への組み入れの可能性?分割調整後の価格は、株価加重型のダウ工業株の構成銘柄として【palatable】となるため。 Amazon’s stock price would have closed today at a split-adjusted price of $139.28. Just as with Alphabet, Amazon’s stock split makes the e-commerce giant’s stock more palatable as a component in the price-weighted Dow Industri…

$AMZN と $V 、クレジットカード手数料を巡る争いを終結させる。両社は先月【spat】の解決に向け、協議するとしていた。 Last month, Amazon said it had dropped plans to stop accepting Visa credit cards in Britain, two days before the change was expected to take place. The companies said at the time that they would continue talks on a broader res…

「米中のインターネット大手企業に投資するなら慎重に。これらは【myriad】の困難に直面している」と、とあるストラテジスト。 Investors looking to put money into U.S. and China internet giants should be cautious as these companies are facing a myriad of challenges, strategists told CNBC. Investors looking to put money into U.S. and China internet gia…

$AMZN の実験的リアル店舗が登場。2015年に小売業で【tiptoeing】し始め、Whole Foodsを買収しこの分野へ飛び込んだ。 The company began tiptoeing into physical retail when it opened a bookstore in 2015, then vaulted into the space by acquiring upscale grocer Whole Foods for $13.7 billion in 2017. The company began tiptoeing into physical reta…

人工知能は未だにテクノロジー企業による【hype】に応えられていない。hypeってなんだ? Machines are getting smarter and smarter every year, but artificial intelligence is yet to live up to the hype that’s been generated by some of the world’s largest technology companies. Machines are getting smarter and smarter…

2021年FAANGの中で最も株価が【laggard】した $AMZN、理由はなんだった? Amazon shares finished 2021 as the biggest laggard among the mega-cap technology names, but there’s reason to believe 2022 could be a brighter year for the stock. Amazon shares finished 2021 (=2021年にAMZNの株価は…となった) as…