start the day ~朝イチサクッと相場と英語~



ジムクレイマー氏「投資家は次にFAANG株が急落し、アナリストが弱気になったら買うべし」「アナリストが【 churn out 】した投資不適格であるという大げさなレポートに注意」 Cramer said that while analysts tend to praise big tech stocks during weeks like this one, when there’s little news about them reported, investors should beware of analysts turning the other way and churning out ″greatly exagg…

人工知能は未だにテクノロジー企業による【hype】に応えられていない。hypeってなんだ? Machines are getting smarter and smarter every year, but artificial intelligence is yet to live up to the hype that’s been generated by some of the world’s largest technology companies. Machines are getting smarter and smarter…