start the day ~朝イチサクッと相場と英語~



ウォーレンバフェット氏がビットコインに懐疑的な理由は、【tangible】なものを生み出さないから。 He said at the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholder meeting Saturday that it’s not a productive asset and it doesn’t produce anything tangible. He said at the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholder meeting Saturday that (=彼[W…

Block( $SQ)のCEOジャックドーシー氏、ビットコインの採掘システム構築予定。【mining rig】は高価なので個人での参入は難しい…

“For most people, mining rigs are hard to find. Once you’ve managed to track them down, they’re expensive and delivery can be unpredictable,” “For most people, mining rigs are hard to find. Once you’ve managed to track them dow…