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久々のジムクレイマー!地政学的な不確実性の中での投資のためのプレイブック。地政学の問題が【go awry】したり核戦争が起こるとき、あなたが最後に心配するのは自分のPFだ。


“When you get a geopolitical-induced sell-off, you have new rules. You have to be ready to do some buying unless you think the event in question could be cataclysmic,” the “Mad Money” host said. “I don’t think it will be, and if there’s something that truly goes awry, or for heaven’s sake, if there is a nuclear war ... I guarantee the last thing you’ll be worried about is your portfolio.”


“When you get a geopolitical-induced sell-off, you have new rules. (=地政学的な要因で売りが出た場合、新しいルールが生まれる) You have to be ready to do some buying (=あなたは買う準備をしなくてはならない) unless you think the event in question could be cataclysmic,” (=問題の事象が、壊滅的でない限りは) the “Mad Money” host said. (=Mod Moneyの司会者は言った。) “I don’t think it will be, (=そのようになるとは思わないが) and if there’s something that truly goes awry, (=下手をすれば) or for heaven’s sake, (=お願いだから) if there is a nuclear war ...(=もし核戦争が起こるようなことになれば) I guarantee the last thing you’ll be worried about is your portfolio.” (=あなたが最後に心配するのは、あなたのポートフォリオであると保証します)


go awry …計画などが失敗する、上手くいかない


For investors, Cramer said it’s important to have predetermined price levels in mind for stocks. Then, if they fall to that point, investors can be ready to buy at the more attractive level, Cramer said.
“But you have to understand that you’re now getting a chance to buy some high-quality stocks well below their 52-week highs and at some levels that are genuinely cheap,” he said. “They could get even cheaper as the Ukraine situation unfolds.”