任天堂は半導体不足に【grapple 】しているが、 Switchの販売台数が1億台を突破し、Wiiを上回る。
Nintendo, like many other consumer electronics companies, has been grappling with a shortage of components, in particular semiconductors which power its devices.
Nintendo, like many other consumer electronics companies, (=任天堂は他の電機メーカーと同じように) has been grappling with a shortage of components, (=部品不足に取り組んでいる) in particular semiconductors which power its devices. (=特に、デバイスを駆動させる半導体の)
grapple …(問題などに)取り組む
grapple …(問題などに)取り組む
“The outlook for semiconductors and other components has remained uncertain since the start of this fiscal year and distribution delays remain unresolved, so production and logistics continue to be impacted,” Nintendo said in a statement on Thursday.