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Meta( $FB )「携帯電話ネットワークの改善なくしてメタバースの野望は実現できない」AT&T( $T )上級副社長、「5Gは4Gのときよりも速く【deploy】されている」

$FB In response, AT&T Executive Vice President David Christopher told CNBC that 5G is being deployed faster than 4G was, adding that there is “massive investment across operators.” Mark Zuckerberg氏、「スマートグラスやVRのヘッドセ…

「米中のインターネット大手企業に投資するなら慎重に。これらは【myriad】の困難に直面している」と、とあるストラテジスト。 Investors looking to put money into U.S. and China internet giants should be cautious as these companies are facing a myriad of challenges, strategists told CNBC. Investors looking to put money into U.S. and China internet gia…

$FB 働きやすい会社ランキングで11位→47位に陥落。【autonomy】を認める社風は評価されたが… Glassdoor said employees spoke highly of the company for granting them autonomy in their work, providing extensive benefits, and giving them the chance to work on a product with great reach and with coworkers they enjoyed. Gla…

人工知能は未だにテクノロジー企業による【hype】に応えられていない。hypeってなんだ? Machines are getting smarter and smarter every year, but artificial intelligence is yet to live up to the hype that’s been generated by some of the world’s largest technology companies. Machines are getting smarter and smarter…