start the day ~朝イチサクッと相場と英語~


ジムクレイマー氏、【non-stop pummeling】を経て、ようやく割安感のある株が出揃ってきた。


“In other words, we want huge discounts, but we also want quality companies that are actually profitable, meaning their stocks got cheaper as they went lower,” Cramer said. “After this seemingly non-stop pummeling, we finally have a bunch of stocks that are cheap enough to buy,” he added.


“In other words, we want huge discounts, (=つまり、大きなディスカウントを求めているが) but we also want quality companies that are actually profitable, (=利益を実際にちゃんと上げている、優良企業も求めているということだ) meaning their stocks got cheaper as they went lower,” (=どういうことかと言うと、株価が下がれば安くなるということだ) Cramer said. (=クレイマー氏は言った) “After this seemingly non-stop pummeling, (=ノンストップで行われる殴り合いを経て) we finally have a bunch of stocks that are cheap enough to buy,” he added. (=ようやく割安感がでて買える株が揃ってきた、と彼は付け加えた)



pummel …拳で殴る
Moderna、Zoom Video、Biogen、Twitter、Rocket Companies、ViacomCBS、Pinterest、Etsy、Discovery、Enphase、Clarivate
・Etsy、Enphase …“I think those are actually buys,”「これらは実際に買いだ」
Twitter …“really interesting” 「本当に興味深い」
Pinterest …" may be a buy but it needs some time"「買いかもしれないが、少し時間が必要」



