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$AMZN と $V 、クレジットカード手数料を巡る争いを終結させる。両社は先月【spat】の解決に向け、協議するとしていた。 Last month, Amazon said it had dropped plans to stop accepting Visa credit cards in Britain, two days before the change was expected to take place. The companies said at the time that they would continue talks on a broader res…

韓国でメタバース型ETFがブーム。3億3800万ドル以上が、グローバルなメタバースETFに【funnel】した。 Of that amount, over $800 million has gone into four ETFs focused on South Korean metaverse-related stocks, while more than $338 million has been funneled into more global metaverse ETFs, the data showed. * * * * * 2つのETFを…

「米中のインターネット大手企業に投資するなら慎重に。これらは【myriad】の困難に直面している」と、とあるストラテジスト。 Investors looking to put money into U.S. and China internet giants should be cautious as these companies are facing a myriad of challenges, strategists told CNBC. Investors looking to put money into U.S. and China internet gia…

$CSCO の買収提案の報道で $SPLK の株価が急騰。この買収が【consummate】すれば、$CSCO 過去最大の買収となる。 Should a deal for Splunk be consummated it would be by far Cisco’s largest ever. Should a deal for Splunk be consummated (=$SPLK の買収が成功すれば) it would be by far Cisco’s largest ever. (=$CSCOの過去最大の買収となる) ★今日…

【Eagle-eyed】な視聴者たち、$NFLX のプラットフォーム上でマーベルシリーズが配信終了になるというメッセージを発見。ライセンスは終了し、 $DIS に戻る。 Eagle-eyed viewers spied a message on the platform, which informed subscribers that “Daredevil,” “Jessica Jones,” “Luke Cage,” “Iron Fist,” “The Punisher” and “The Defenders” would only be available until March 1. Eagle-eyed v…

$AFRM 、公式Twitterで決算内容をフライング発表。別のツイートで【inadvertent】な人為的ミスだったと述べる。 Affirm said in another tweet later Thursday that its inadvertent release of financial results was due to human error. Affirm said in another tweet later Thursday (=$AFRMは木曜日遅くに別のツイートで) that its inadvertent releas…

$DIS は好決算を発表。Disney+の加入者数が大幅に増えたことで $NFLX に【make up ground】した。 Disney makes up ground on Netflix with blowout Disney+ subscriber adds Disney makes up ground on Netflix (=$DIS は $NFLXに追いついた) with blowout Disney+ subscriber adds (=Disney+の加入者数を大幅に増やすことで) ★今日の表現★ma…

米国株市場は引き続き方向性に悩まされそう。政策の不確実性と経済の推移が重なり【tumultuous】な相場展開が続く。 “The tumultuous market action continues as the combination of Fed policy uncertainty and economic transition remains in focus,” Canaccord Genuity said Monday in a note to clients. “The tumultuous market action continues (=波乱…

ゴールドが堅調な理由。PFのヘッジ需要と、連邦準備制度がインフレへの取り組みに遅れを取っていること、あるいは締め付けすぎて成長が【falter】しているという考えによる。 Also central to gold’s resilience, according to UBS, is a combination of elevated demand for portfolio hedges and a belief either that the Federal Reserve “stays behind the curve” on tackling inflation or overtightens, causing…

ジムクレイマー氏、$FB について長期での信頼を【reiterate】する。ただし、買い時は今ではない。 CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Thursday reiterated his long-term confidence in Facebook parent Meta Platforms, but said investors who want to take advantage of the stock’s post-earnings plunge should be patient. CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Thu…

任天堂は半導体不足に【grapple 】しているが、 Switchの販売台数が1億台を突破し、Wiiを上回る。 Nintendo, like many other consumer electronics companies, has been grappling with a shortage of components, in particular semiconductors which power its devices. Nintendo, like many other consumer electronics companies, (=任天…

ジムクレイマー氏、$GOOGL の株式分割に言及。同社の【brainiacs】が消費者の嗜好を知っていることを考えると、株式分割は大きな意味を持つ。 “Given what this company’s brainiacs know about ... consumer preferences, this is a decision that will have very wide implications. Alphabet knows you better than you know yourself — they have your search history,” Cramer said…

ジムクレイマー氏、魅力的と考える医療機器分野の3銘柄に言及。今こそ【rubble】の中から掘り出し物を探す時だ! The “Mad Money” host said the market appears to be searching for a bottom, so “it’s time to pick among the rubble, searching for the best bargains.” He specifically pointed to Edwards Lifesciences, Stryker and Intuitive Surgic…

ジムクレイマー氏、バリュー株の選好に疑問。バリュー株を買うならサプライチェーン、半導体、Covidの【woe】がない銘柄を選ぶべし。 “If you want a value stock here, pick one where we know there aren’t any supply chain, semiconductor or Covid woes. Otherwise, it’s going to be tough without owning some predictable, profitable growth [stocks],” “If you want a…

音楽ストリーミングサービス $SPOT 、誤報を流した人気ポッドキャスト継続決定で【backlash】を受ける。 Spotify is facing backlash for its decision to continue to air the popular podcast, “The Joe Rogan Experience,” despite concerns that it is spreading Covid misinformation. Spotify is facing backlash (=$SPOT は反発を受けている)…

ジムクレイマー氏、若い投資家に【plea】する。彼のアドバイスは「株を買い、長期的に所有すること」 CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Friday issued a plea to young investors who may be new to the stock market and want to build long-term wealth. CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Friday (=金曜日、ジムクレイマー氏は) issued a plea to young investors (=…

ジムクレイマー氏、キャシーウッド氏のARKK逆張りETF「SARK」に言及。調整が続くのが心配なら【blast radius】にあるグロース株に逆張りせよ。 “You can buy some SARK and hedge your position. If you’re worried this correction will continue, then stay the course in the stocks that are holding up and then use this thing to bet against the growth stocks that are in the c…

欧州市場は、FRBの決定に対する投資家の反応を受け【plummet】に向かっている。 European markets set to plummet at the open as investors react to Fed decision European markets (=欧州市場は) set to plummet (=急落に向かう) at the open as investors react to Fed decision (=FRBの決定に対する投資家の反応により)…

ジムクレイマー氏、【non-stop pummeling】を経て、ようやく割安感のある株が出揃ってきた。 “In other words, we want huge discounts, but we also want quality companies that are actually profitable, meaning their stocks got cheaper as they went lower,” Cramer said. “After this seemingly non-stop pummeling, we finally …

ジムクレイマー氏、「新しく【minted】された株とSPACが私たちを殺す…!」 “These newly minted stocks and SPACs are now killing us. It’s the excess supply that’s dragging down the rest of the market,” the “Mad Money” host said, explaining his belief that the weakness is not simply due to investors re…

ジムクレイマー氏、ハイテク株の血みどろウィークだったが、市場にはまだ【carnage】が続くとも。 It’s been a bloody few weeks for once high-flying tech stocks and CNBC’s Jim Cramer believes there is still a bit more carnage to go for some parts of the market. It’s been a bloody few weeks for once high-flying tech stocks (…

ジムクレイマー氏、今日の安値で買った人たちは【scalp their gains】するだろう。不安定な市場を乗り切るためのアドバイスとは。 “These kinds of bottoms tend to be revisited, as the [S&P 500 has] now fallen 10% from its high, and those who bought at the lows today will scalp their gains” early in Tuesday’s session, the “Mad Money” host predicted. “These…

国債利回り、FRB会議を【brace】して方向性に悩む。 U.S. Treasury yields struggled for direction on Monday morning, as investors braced for the latest Federal Reserve policy meeting. U.S. Treasury yields (=米国債の利回りは) struggled for direction (=方向性を見出そうと苦戦してい…

ジムクレイマー氏、$NFLX に連れ安の $DIS に言及。Netflixの今後の見通しは投資家を【spooked】させ、株価は20%超下落。 Netflix’s outlook — offered Thursday night when the company reported earnings — spooked investors, and the company’s shares plunged 21.8% Friday. Netflix’s outlook (=$NFLXの見通しは)— offered Thursday night (=木曜日の夜に発表…

ジムクレイマー氏、投資家協会のセンチメント調査は【 astounding 】なレベルのネガティブさ。投資可能な底値が近づいているとも。 “This is an astounding level of negativity,” said Cramer, who added that he also is observing analyst downgrades on a range of companies from AMD to Ford Motor. Two weeks ago, he said analysts had yet to throw in the towel. “T…

$AMZN の実験的リアル店舗が登場。2015年に小売業で【tiptoeing】し始め、Whole Foodsを買収しこの分野へ飛び込んだ。 The company began tiptoeing into physical retail when it opened a bookstore in 2015, then vaulted into the space by acquiring upscale grocer Whole Foods for $13.7 billion in 2017. The company began tiptoeing into physical reta…

$PEP と $BYND、植物由来のジャーキーの発売。責任者に【tap】されたのはペプシのベテラン、ダン・モイサン氏。 Pepsi CEO Ramon Laguarta said in September that the company is targeting early 2022 for the launch of the first product from the partnership. Pepsi veteran Dan Moisan has been tapped as chief executive for the venture. Pepsi C…

ジムクレイマー氏、米国内のコロナ患者は減少に転じ、 $ABNB と旅行業界に大きな【boon】をもたらすとの発言。 Cramer said he expects Covid cases in the U.S. to decline soon, providing a boon for Airbnb and the entire travel complex. Cramer said (=Cramer氏は言った) he expects Covid cases in the U.S. to decline soon,(=米国内のコロナ患者…

$MSFT 、$ATVI の買収を発表。株価が割安になっていたため【pounce】 する理由になった。 Activision shares were likewise at a discount after 2021, which may have given Microsoft a reason to pounce. Activision shares were likewise (=$ATVI の株も同様に) at a discount after 2021, (=2021年以降、割安になっている) which…

米国10年債利回りは2年ぶりの水準、1.83%を【topping】した。 The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield jumped to its highest point in two years on Tuesday morning, topping 1.83%. The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield (=米国10年債利回りは) jumped to its highest point (=高水準に跳ね上がった) in two years…